The Dishonorable 8 Ball CHALLENGE EDITION

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Are you finding the the traditional boring? Are you looking for something to spice up your weekend? Or are you looking to make a Saturday with the boys turn into total chaos? We got you, just be sure to scope the rules out before you play.


Are you finding the the traditional boring? Are you looking for something to spice up your weekend? Or are you looking to make a Saturday with the boys turn into total chaos? We got you, just be sure to scope the rules out before you play.

Are you finding the the traditional boring? Are you looking for something to spice up your weekend? Or are you looking to make a Saturday with the boys turn into total chaos? We got you, just be sure to scope the rules out before you play.


See these more as guidelines rather than hard rules. The game is yours and it's up to you how to play it, but there's potential for some confusion depending on swing order and some of the phrasing of the challenges so we provided this guide to help out.

Swing Order: Worst is first. Whomever did the worst last hole, gets to go first this hole and subsequently rolls their 8 ball first.

Some of these are multiplayer games rather than just personal challenges that help/ hurt you. Now this can be played in a couple ways, be sure to agree on which you're gonna do beforehand.

Option 1: If the person in the highest swing order rolls a multiplayer, then everyone stops rolling and you all play the same game

Option 2: Everyone rolls regardless if a multiplayer game is rolled or not and just has to incorporate the other challenges/ benefits to their shared game. Note: If you go this route, and more than 1 person rolls a multiplayer, only the first multiplayer game rolled counts. Roll again.

Roll at the beginning of each hole. These challenges will apply to the entirety of the play on this hole unless specified otherwise. Challenges reset once everyone completes the hole.

Establish a mercy rule in the beginning. Some of these will, no joke, mess your entire game up; and it’ll be super funny for pretty much everyone but you. Establish a mercy rule ahead of time so you aren't stuck swinging all day. At 100DollarPutter, we go by "Dishonorable 8". Anything more than 8 strokes, we pick up the ball and walk off to the next hole in great shame.

  • Kick those shoes off and feel that grass, you're playing the hole barefoot or in socks.

  • If you're a righty, switch to left-handed grip. If you're a lefty, switch to a right-handed grip. Hope you're not on a Par 5…

  • You heard it. No irons.Drivers, Woods, Hybrids and Putters only. Try not to fall into a bunker.

  • We're assuming you're having a few beverages while playing. If not, re-roll. If you are, bottoms up buddy.

  • No looking at the hole or ball while putting. Memorize where you are before you step up to the ball. And no getting low and "reading the greens". You're stalling and everyone knows it.

  • Beginning to end, swing one handed. We recommend using your dominant hand.

  • the second you're on the green, you're putting with the butt end of your putter, Pool style. Hope the grass isn't too wet.

  • Your putter gets a break while your driver goes double duty. The second you're on the green, that driver comes back out until you sink it. Let us know if you manage to go beginning to end with just the driver on this roll.

  • Hey, these aren't ALL bad. You get to re-do 2 swings this hole. Make them count!

  • Pick that bad boy up and chuck it 2x this hole. It can be at any time, but it has to be exactly 2x. Overhand only, no softball throws/ bowls.


    Worst Ball Scramble. You and the group you're with are playing a scramble, but instead of the best ball, you're playing worst ball. You can split into teams of 2 or if you're uneven (or just 2 of you) then the single player hits 2 balls. Both players on the team get the same score

  • Once you land on the green your opponent putts for you 1 time (if you're playing in a group, only 1 of them gets to hit it, up to you who that is). The only way out is to hole it before landing on the green, hope you got a good chip game.

  • You're going in raw this round. No practice swings before you strike the ball, just walk up, grip it and rip it. This goes for putts too.


    Name of the game is nice clean shots. Anything outside of the fairways and greens in regulation are a stroke penalty. This means hitting in the rough, bunkers, water hazards, and missed putts within a certain distance (make sure you determine this beforehand, but we play 1 full club length).

  • 1 club means 1 club for the whole hole. Your opponent chooses the club at the start of the hole. Yes, you can play an alternate version where you can choose your own club, but that’s baby rules and we didn’t include a diaper so make sure you bring that too.

  • You're starting with a +1 this hole. Let's see that comeback game in action

  • More PTO for your putter! The second your ball lands on the green, it counts as a hole.


    Similar to the basketball game, one player calls and attempts a specific shot (like a specific type of putt or a chip to a certain spot). If they make it, the other player must replicate the shot or earn a letter. The game ends once the everyone is holed or once people spell PIG. Last one standing get's a stroke off their overall score, first out adds a stroke to their overall score


    3 strokes, winner take all for this hole. whomever get's closest to the flag at the end of 3 strokes takes the hole.


    The timer starts for each player as soon as they hit their first shot. The goal is to finish the game in the fastest time possible. The winner applies -1 stroke for their overall score